Welcome to the Governing Board area for Parrett & Axe School. As a board, the Governors are appointed to oversee the strategic direction, policies, and overall performance of a school.
There are;
- Foundation Governor positions on the Governing Body. These positions are nominated by the local PCC’s and confirmed by the Diocese of Salisbury.
- Local Authority Governor representing the Local Authority and appointed by DCC.
- Parent Governors appointed by election.
- Staff Governor appointed by election.
- Co-opted Staff Governor appointed by FGB
- Headteacher
Below you will find a current list of serving Governors, alongside their Terms of Office.
Governors Terms of Office |
Name |
Date Of Appointment |
End Date |
Foundation Governor |
Emma House (Joint Chair) |
05.02.2022 |
04.02.2026 |
Foundation Governor |
Jenny Fry |
01.03.2022 |
28.02.2026 |
Foundation Governor |
Lisa Raison (Joint Chair) |
06.09.2024 |
05.09.2028 |
Foundation Governor |
Rev Canon David Baldwin (Ex Officio) |
01.02.2011 |
No end date |
Local Authority Governor (Appointed by DCC) |
Tanya Cox |
18.06.2024 |
17.06.2028 |
Parent Governor |
Megan Hill |
21.11.2023 |
20.11.2027 |
Parent Governor |
Vacancy |
Staff Governor |
Antionette Howard-Gardner |
19.11.2024 |
18.11.2028 |
Co-opted Staff Governor |
Stuart Copping |
06.02.2024 |
05.02.2028 |
Headteacher |
Simon Smith |
01.09.2017 |
No end date |
Clerk to Governors |
Michelle Wills |
No end date |
If you are interested in finding out more about the Governor role or have anything you feel should you would like to be discussed with the governors, you are able to contact our clerk using this address: clerktogovernors@mosterton.dorset.sch.uk.
Please note that meeting minutes are available to be viewed should you wish to see them.
Governor Committees and their members
Pay Panel |
Simon Smith |