Forest School Ethos
Forest School is an inspirational process that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self esteem through hands on learning experiences in woodland or natural environment with trees. Through careful observations of the children the tasks and activities will be set with each individual in mind in order to progress them according to their own needs and interests. The children will be provided with opportunities to explore, find their own limitations, make sensible choices in relation to risk, in addition to developing practical skills such as tying knots, using tools and construction. Activities may be challenging but will be achievable which in turn raises their confidence and self-esteem.
6.6.24 – This term, for the next few weeks Lulworth will be out using the Forest School. Look at what we have been up to below.
21.3.24 – Now the weather is better and our forest area isn’t so boggy we are back out again investigating nature and planting.
7.11.23 – Durdle Door have started Forest School this term. Despite the site being very muddy, they have created dens and made worm homes.
25.9.23 – This term’s activities include using peelers to peel bark, using drills to make holes in conkers and cutting wood. As you can see from the photographs below the children from Kimmeridge Class are all enjoying their time at Forest School. We will add more photos to the gallery each week.
18.9.23 – A new school year and Forest has hit the ground running with Kimmeridge Class. As you can see from the photos below, the pupils were given the chance to make clay faces or seed balls, they also went looking for bugs and tried out the new rope swing.
24.5.23 – This week the focus has been on cutting, using secateurs and helping each other.
10.5.23 – This week we have focussed mainly on planting. Although we did find a toad which we rehoused carefully.
3.5.23 – Today we have been very busy at Forest School. From making dens, bug hunting and making jewellery from natural materials we have learnt so much.